Separata och duo-utställningar
Krognoshuset, Lund, SE
Galique Art Space, med Juanma Gonzalez, Yerevan, AM
’Florárium’, Hvězdárna Zlín, Zlín, CZ
’Det som hänger kvar i luften’, Domkyrkoforum Lund, Lund, SE
’Where we belong to earth, not the other way round’, Altán Klamovka Gallery, Prag, CZ
’Where Dawn Breaks, Berg Gallery, Stockholm, SE
‘The Gardens of the Lotus-eaters’, Konsthall studio ABC, Vällingby, SE
‘Longing souls and bodies lost’, Eulengasse, Frankfurt, DE
‘The longing we get, the longing we desire’, med Tone Linghult, Tjeckiska Ambassadens residens, Stockholm, SE
‘Those games we fail to play’, Top e.V., Berlin, DE
’Enchanted souls, abandoned bodies’, KH7, Aarhus, DK
’Glitterball showroom’, digital utställning, Enköping, SE
’Book of a Wise Woman’, digital utställning, som del av Woven network digital resides, EU-projekt med stöd av House of Europe Ukraine
’Walking with myself; walking with you’, med Juanma Gonzalez, AllArtNow, Stockholm, SE
’Veronika and Other Bodies’, Elektrozavod gallery, Moscow, RU
’Rymdprogrammet: Études’, Molekyl gallery, Malmö, SE
’Vårsalongen 2024’, Liljevalchs, Stockholm, SE
’Konsthelg Lund’, Lund, SE
’Finally Home’, Juxtapose Art Fair 2023, Aarhus, DK
’Rymdprogrammet: Basecamp’, Köttinspektionen, Uppsala, Sweden
’Co/Lab 5’, Torrance Art Museum, Torrance, USA
’Double Vision’, 515 Bendix, Los Angeles, USA
’Norra Tornen Art Day’, Oscar Properties, Stockholm, SE
’1st Stockholm Painters’ Salon’, Candyland, Stockholm
’Find-us’, Galleri Nos, Stockholm
’Juxtapose Art Fair’, group exhibition of Artist-Run Network Europe, Aarhus, DK
’The Curator is Present’, Kunsttage Basel, Basel, CH
’Art Mutation’, digital utställning
’30 + 20 = Fusion’, Process – Space Art Festival & Art Symposium Lomea, BG
’Works on paper’, AIM Plovdiv 2019, Plovdiv, BG
’From the Other Side’, hangmenProjects, Stockholm, SE
’Their first time with Tomte’, Tomteboda, Stockholm, SE
’Red Salt exhibition’, Red Salt studios, Stockholm, SE
’Artarctica festival and exhibition’, Helsinki, FI
2016 Pech I Proznia, Poznan, PL
2016 Perfonauci #2, Galleria Raczej, Poznan, PL
2016 Perfonauci #1, Galleria Raczej, Poznan, PL
2016 Hudnära, Skarpnäck Kulturhuset, Stockholm, SE
2015 Shares: Game, Platform Stockholm, SE
2015 Dark Barn 2015, Kladna Zilin, CZ
2015 BCCA Micro-residency, Blairgowrie, UK
2014 Art Rooms Closing Event, Black Cube Collective&Cockenzie House Gardens, UK
2014 Degree Show, DJCAD, Dundee, UK
2014 Dainty Rogues in Porcelain (group exhibition), DJCAD, Dundee, UK
2014 Translations (group exhibition), Generator Projects, Dundee, UK
2013 The Undesirable: Heatfield Carpark Exhibition (collective), Dundee, UK
2020 ‘Woven network’, leading Swedish artist, artist-in-residence, supported by House of Europe Ukraine, Stockholm, SE
2019 Curatorial residency, Aarhus Billedkunstcenter, Aarhus, DK
2018 Elektrozavod gallery, artist-in-residence, Moscow, RU
2017 Transfer North Critical Curatorial Writing Residency, Murmansk, RU
2017 artArctica festival of contemporary art, artist-in-residence, Helsinki, FI
2016 Young Curators and Art Operators Network, Intercult, Arkhangelsk, RU
2016 Perfonauci residency, Galleria Raczej, Poznan, PL
2014 Art Rooms, Black Cube Collective & Cockenzie House Gardens, UK
2023 Guest lecturer, ‘Facing the Art: On the Myth of the Lonesome Artist‘, Faculty of Art and Design, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University, Ústí nad Labem, CZ
2023 Guest lecturer, course leader, ‘Artist-Run: practice and theory’ (3 credits),
Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, NL
2021 Guest lecturer, course leader, ‘Artist-Run: Practice and Theory’ (7.5 credits),
Konstfack – University of Arts, Crafts and Design, Stockholm, SE
2017 Guest curator, course leader, ‘Decentralised Identity’, Umeå Academy of Fine Arts, Umeå, and the Faculty of Art and Design J. E. Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem, CZ