Kåre Holgerson
Kommun: Torsås
Tekniker: Fotografi , Grafik , Installationer , Konceptuell konst , Måleri , Performance , Relationell estetik , Skulptur , Teckning , Video
Att använda olika språk och uttryck i den konstnärliga gestaltningen intresserar mej, grafik, måleri, installationer, performance, utsmyckning i offentlig miljö. För mej har de olika formerna sin särart, sina unika möjligheter till uttryck och kommunikation.”
Kåre Holgerson works as an artist and educator and has since completing his art training in the early part of the 1980´s been based in the Kalmar region. He has been the driving force behind the work to establish Kulturmagasinet in Bergkvara as a vital node on the regional art scene. In his own artistic practice he has mainly been working with printmaking, performances and installations that in a number of ways have formed a unified body of work over a long period of time. Works with titles such as Vid gräns (At border) or Exil (Exile) has been transformed and been given new meanings in varying contexts.